it's been quite sometime since ii last updated my blog.
wanting to update last wk, but there's something wrong with the blog. ==
changed a new blogskin~ a new start! (:
& now ii've finally thought of a way to update~
hmm.. attachment ended last wk, & sch had already starting~
with presentations & exams cuming up!!
& den straight out to attachment again!
rahhs... ii have to buck up!!!!
attachment this time will be paeds ward!!
YAYAYAYAYYAYAAYA!!! babies & kids! ^^
realli lookin forward to this attachment! (:
a few wks ago~ went ASIAN MUSEUM & Peranakan museum with laoma. ^^
it's pretti nice to visit these places~
can learn quite alot of new stuff~ (:
little nonya kids clothing~ ^^ super cute!!!
& the "Kemcheng" reminds miie of yangyang in TLN~~ xD
look carefully @ the shoes!!! it's realli nice~
recently had been watchin shining inheritance~
it was pretti boring for me at the front part~
but now it's starting to get more intense~
cause love is developing!!! muahahahahhas~
a sad MV to recommend~~
it's been quite sometime since ii saw such a touching MV~
the female lead is kim so eun!! ^^
❤每一次與你的相遇都是一個 幸福的 紀念❤04:11.